Where Faith Guides Your Journey Back to God


At Youthquake, we believe that praising God through songs during church services is just one of the many ways we can express our devotion to Him. Our mission is to ignite a movement that transcends the walls of our congregations, shaking the very foundations of our lives and impacting the world through the power of worship.

Worship Beyond the Norm

While we hold steadfast to the command in Psalm 66:1-2 to sing praises to God, we recognize that worship is not limited to the act of singing alone. Just as Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns while imprisoned, experiencing the liberating earthquake of God’s presence, we too are dedicated to responding to our King and God in diverse ways.

A Resonating Call

The story of Paul and Silas resonates with us deeply. Their praises and songs in the midst of adversity resulted in an earthquake that shattered prison doors and chains. Through their devotion, they were set free, both physically and spiritually. In the same spirit, we, the youth, seek to praise and sing to our Lord God, creating a global impact that breaks the chains of our own prisons.

Music as a Message

Our music and songs are not just melodies; they are messengers. Through our music, we communicate the love, grace, and truth of God to the world. We understand that our God listens to our prayers and songs, and in response, He sends an earthquake of transformation, liberating us from the grip of sin and self-doubt.

Breaking Chains, Liberating Hearts

Just as an earthquake shakes the ground, we aim to shake the foundations of our lives. Our mission is to break the chains that hold us back, liberating us from the depths of our own limitations and temptations. We recognize that we are our own prisoners through sins and temptations, and it is through our praise and devotion that God will unlock the doors to our true potential.

Suggested Christian Artists

We Are Youthquake

We are not just followers; we are initiators. We are not bound by traditions alone; we are bound by the desire to bring change. We are the new earthquake, shaking the world with our devotion, our music, and our message. We will be the force that awakens hearts, liberates souls, and draws us closer to God’s love and purpose.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. As Youthquake, we are united in our mission to make an impact that resonates far beyond ourselves, crossing borders and breaking barriers. Let us sing, let us worship, and let us be the catalysts for change that this world needs.


Rev. Ronald Barnhill
Founder, Youthquake Around the World